
Showing posts from March, 2019

French Vocabulary at the work (on cherche du travail)

French learning,Looking for work, talk about jobs and professions. Lots of young people in France undertake apprenticeship as a way of  Entring the job market. The national apprenticeship scheme includes l'apprentissage junior , which can apply , under certain circumstances, to young people à partir de l'âge de 14 ans ( from the age of 14 ) . In 2012 , le salaire de l'apprenti (the apprentice's salary) was based on the minimum wage, le SMIC (salaire minimum interpersonnel de croissance) and le nombre d'années de contrat ( number of years of contract). For example anyone de moins de 18 ans (under the age of 18) and in leur première année (their first year) of apprenticeship will get 40% of the smic, 50%,in their second year and 60% in their third and final year d'apprentissage.           Vocabulary enhancer L'ap iculture- beekeeping, apiculture Le maçon- builder, bricklayer Le policier- police man L'ébouer-garbage collector,garbag...

French imperfect tense(l'imparfait)

The in-depth analysis of french imperfect tense. Imperfect tense is used when someone talks about past habitual for example ( used to do). This tense is utilised as past continuous. For forming this tense we use a radical of nous verb endings. When you cut the ending add following words:- Je- ais.               Nous - ions Tu - ais              vous - iez Il/elle - ait         ils/elles - aient Verb- répondre= to reply Je répondais(I used to reply (was replying) Tu répondais ( you used to reply)( you was replying Il répondait (je used to reply)( he was replying) Nous répondions( WE used to reply)(we was replying) Ils répondaient ( they used to reply)(they were replying. Verb = avoir Je avais               I had Tu avais.            You had(informal) Il avait.        ...

Learning about french cities and their vocabulary

French cities and vocabulary Franchise is known for its many ville  Cités . The most popular, of course, is la capital  ( the capital) , Paris , with son histoire (it's history),ses musee( it's museums),Des magasins (it's shops),son architecture(it's architecture) de cafés and ses spectacles( it's events) . All towns have their character and charm . For example , Arles is famous for ses vestiges romains ( its roman remains)  and Rouen for its long histoire. If you search en ligne ( online) for les plus beaux villages de France ( the most beautiful villages of france) . You can access sites Des villages réputes For their maisons fleuries ( floweres houses) in Bretagne , Barfleur en Normandie, t he ancient port romaine et viking (romain And viking.port), and many other unique cities and regions .    Vocabulary builder (around town),, La place de la République- public square  Le bar-tabac du centre (bureau de tabac)- bar-tabacconis...

Learn French vocabulary on the road ( sur la route)

On the road (sur la route) talk about french roads and driving in France. Roulez à droit! Or conduisez à droite ! (Drive on the right!), Serrez à droit (keep on the right)!), These are the imperative reminders that British motorists can not avoid noticing as they drive into France . N'oubliez pas de roulez à droite ! (Don't forget to drive on the right). You must also be aware of priorité à droite (priority to the right). Cars have to let vehicles coming from The right go first. this doesn't apply on une route prioritaire (a main road). However in small towns , streets intersections often have priorité à droit. You may notice signs saying  vous n'avez pas la priorité ( you don't have priority). Many accidents de la route ( road accident) are due to this particular rule being ignored . L'éthylotest (the breathaliser ) est obligatoire (is compulsory) depuis le 1er juillet 2012. Drivers must have breathalising equipment in their cars at a...

Learn French Vocabulary at the community centre(à la maison du people)

At the community centre, understand a little about multi ethics france. understand a bit about racism. France has a strong tradition of structure d'animation ( coordination of cultural and sporting activities). All french towns have places such as centres socioculturels (social centres) , maison des jeunes (youth club) and maison de quartier ( local district clubs). As well as these places for young people to go , many towns have animateur socioculture l who provide Leisure ,social and cultural activities, clearly distinct from the school system. Their role is vital in local communities l'un des buts (one of the objectives) includes combattre le racisme (talking racism) in a constructive) way. These days language learning is must    ( French Vocabulary enhancer) Un animateur/une animatrice- someone organising activities, youth worker Encadrer - to provide a framework for activities. Des jeunes maghrébines - young people with north African origins Le qu...

French Articles( the definite,the indefinite,the partitive)

The in-depth knowledge of all kind of french articles. The definite article The definite article in English is (the);it remains unchanged whether the noun it precedes is masculine, feminine or neuter,and whether it is singular or plural. In french there are several forms of the definite article, depending on whether the noun is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. It is important to use the form of the definite article depending on whether the noun in question (masculine singular if the noun is masculine singular, feminine plural if the noun is feminine plural ,and so on).it is also important to note that french uses the definite article in a number of situations where it is not used in English. Type of the definite article                           Singular.         Plural                        Mas.  ...

Learn French Vocabulary at restaurant

Choosing a restaurant (choisir un restaurant). In french   There are numerous type of places in france where you can eat out. They range from master-chefs' restaurant to modest bistrots. You can choose from la cuisine Française traditionnelle (traditional french cuisine)or la cuisine gastronomique .  Le bistrots may vary in quality, but they are Des endroits sans prétention (unassuming). Le menu du jour (the day's menu) est écrit sur l'ardoise (is written on the board). Les meilleurs (the best) bistrots sont juges(are judged)sur l'ardoise et l'ambiance ( the atmosphere. French Vocabulary enhancer Les repas - the meal Le petit déjeuner- breakfast Le déjeuner- lunch Le goûter- afternoon tea Le dîner- the dinner Le souper- supper Some expression which are used at rastaurest .   Le manu- the menu Prenez votre temps- take your time! A la carte ou menu à prix fixe- individual courses or fixed prise Une entrée/un hors d'oeuvre...

French Vocabulary about accommodation

Accommodation (l'hébergement) where to stay Most french towns have un office de tourisme (a tourist office). It is the deal place for you to get renseignements et conseils ( informations and advice), where you are en vacances (on holiday) or  en voyage d'affaires ( on a business trip). They can help you find où passer la nuit ( somewhere to stay the night), où manger (Somewhere to eat) and also que faire d'intéressant (something interesting to do). Some offices will faire une réservation ( makea Booking) for you but if not, they will give you tous les reseirenseigne( all the information) you need. They deal with l'hébergement (accommodation ) , la restauration (where to eat) and loisirs (leisure activities). Le tourisme (tourism) is booking in France. Il y a un grand choix d'endroits où rester ( there are lots of places to stay to choose from). Apart from the traditional range of hotels in towns is also a much cheaper and sometimes plus pratique (mor...

French feminine and masculine adjectives

French genders and  adjactive Feminine and masculine adjectives You are already aware that there are feminine and masculine nouns in French. Similarly, adjectives describe the nouns they are linked up with and are feminine or masculine according to the gender of the nouns they accompany. In french adjectives can be placed before or after nouns, although changing the position of an adjective can modify the meaning of the phrase. In many cases -e is added for the feminine form of the adjective and -s is added for the plural.

French vocabulary about work and leisure

French vocabulary about work and leisure There are strong work ethics in France and le  chômage (unemployment) is the top concern of the adult population. Le demain de travail ( thé working week) is limited to trente-huit heure(38) heure,which means that there is a significant numbers of time dedicated to le loiser . Many profession require solid qualifications, Namely les médicine ( doctors), le dentists ( dentists), le pharmaciens ( pharmicists) , les avocats ( lower) , les ingeingéni( engineer), and les architectes ( architects),   among others. A large number of people work dans l'informatique ( in it), and they are refered to as les informaticiens ( informations techniciens ). Leisure activities such as  le cyclisme ( cycling ) , le football , les sports d'hiver ( water sports) , le camping (camping) , or simply watching le télé , hold an important place un french life. Although people work hard , they always make time to un wind. 2. Voici/ v...

Basic french vocabulary

French etiquette When meeting someone in France for the first time if you formally introduced, the standard response is to shake hands and say enchantée ( nice to meet you. Within a family members or close circle of friends people are likely three kisses on cheeks even if they have not met before. For older generation there may still be a more formal "bonjour monsieur/ bonjour madame enchanté. Note the term Mademoiselle ( miss) is hardly ever used, except for very you women.   Within  a family circle people are likely to use tu ( you-informal)When   speaking to or on another. When people meet for first time, they use vous( you formal)  and after a few chats might say on se totuie?  Older generations more liklli to to use formal  vous and might find it difficult to be less formal. An adult can say tu to a child   but it is not polite for a child to say hi to adult unless invited to do so. Keep in mind  In french family names...

Noun Genders and Adjectives

Noun genders and adjectives in french , nouns ( words which represent objects,peop pe or ideas) have a gender, they can be either feminine or masculine. un voyage( a journy) is masculine,une aneea ( a year) is femenine , des vacances( holidays) is femenine but also plural. the gender of noun does not any logical pattern so you will need to be aware of the gender of every noun you learn. Bon,bonne and bons , bonnes are four forms of the same adjective ( a word which describe a noun). in french, adjectives take the same gender as the noun they describe, so we have masculine and feminine adjectives that can both be singular one item or plural ( more than one item. French adjectives are split differently according to their genders . generally ( but not always) an -e at the end of an adjective is for feminine an -s is for plural and the base form is for masculine. masculine- (singular)- un bon raison( a good grape), Plural- des bons raisons ( good grapes) Feminine- une bonne p...
French in modern world... Throughout the world 180,000,000 people are speaking french, in french speekisp communities.outside fraFra, french is the first language for large communities in Belgium,luxembourg and Switzerland. France also has four overseas départements which comeunder french administration and are part of republic, Guadeloupe, Martinique, reunion and Guyane. There are two territorial collectivités, Mayotte and st- Pierre et Miquelon and other overseas territories which include Polynésie française, nouvelle- calédonCa, walls wa Futuna, terres Australes et antartiantar. French is also spoken in countries that have been under french rule in the past. In North Africa and morroco.the same applies to many central African countries such as senegaS. There is still an ageing population that speaks and understand french Vietnam. In North America , Louisiana still has some vestiges of french language. In Canada, in the province of Quebec, french is spoken by many people as their ...

Hello and good bye in french

When you are in France, it is very difficult to conversate with native french you get into a taxi, go into shop,at railway station. You will excha nge a bonjo ur ( good mo rning and good after noon) bonsoir ( good eve ning) bonne nu it ( good night) . Depend ing on the time of day. You can add salut( hi) to give a more informal greet ing.when meeting fri ends and re latives, you may exch ange two, three bisous( kiss), dependi ng on the region you are in. Like wise when you leave or get out after you have do ne your work you will greet and say, au revo ir ( goodbye), à bi entôt (see you soon) , à plus tard ( see you l ater) . Someti mes you can say ench anté ( Nice to meet you), Ravi de vo us connaître (happy to know you)