French Vocabulary at the work (on cherche du travail)
French learning,Looking for work, talk about jobs and professions. Lots of young people in France undertake apprenticeship as a way of Entring the job market. The national apprenticeship scheme includes l'apprentissage junior , which can apply , under certain circumstances, to young people à partir de l'âge de 14 ans ( from the age of 14 ) . In 2012 , le salaire de l'apprenti (the apprentice's salary) was based on the minimum wage, le SMIC (salaire minimum interpersonnel de croissance) and le nombre d'années de contrat ( number of years of contract). For example anyone de moins de 18 ans (under the age of 18) and in leur première année (their first year) of apprenticeship will get 40% of the smic, 50%,in their second year and 60% in their third and final year d'apprentissage. Vocabulary enhancer L'ap iculture- beekeeping, apiculture Le maçon- builder, bricklayer Le policier- police man L'ébouer-garbage collector,garbag...