French Vocabulary about accommodation
Accommodation (l'hébergement) where to stay
Most french towns have un office de tourisme (a tourist office). It is the deal place for you to get renseignements et conseils
( informations and advice), where you are en vacances (on holiday) or
en voyage d'affaires ( on a business trip). They can help you find où passer la nuit ( somewhere to stay the night), où manger(Somewhere to eat) and also que faire d'intéressant(something interesting to do). Some offices will faire une réservation ( makea Booking) for you but if not, they will give you tous les reseirenseigne( all the information) you need. They deal with l'hébergement (accommodation) , la restauration (where to eat) and loisirs (leisure activities).
Le tourisme (tourism) is booking in France. Il y a un grand choix d'endroits où rester( there are lots of places to stay to choose from). Apart from the traditional range of hotels in towns is also a much cheaper and sometimes plus pratique (more convenient) range of accommodation in out town hotels , often in zones commerciales (commercial centres) or Close to les autoroutes (motorways) le camping(camping) is still very popular in the summer pour les familles (for familles) . Pour les jeunes (for young people) there are auberges de jeunesse( youth hotels), which are not expensive.
Vocabulary builder
Une chambre simple- a single room
Une chambre double- double room
Une chambre familiale (avec un grand lit+un lit pour enfant)-- a family room( with a double bed+a bed for a child)
Une chambre pour personne handicapée- a room for disabled person
Pension (petit déjeuner+dîner)- ful board(break fast dinner)
Demi-pension (petit déjeuner)- half-board ( break fast)
Une chambre pour personne handicapée- a room for disabled person
Pension (petit déjeuner+dîner)- ful board(break fast dinner)
Demi-pension (petit déjeuner)- half-board ( break fast)
Very interesting thing
Many french hotels accept dogs. A standard notice reads:
Ici on accepte nos amis les chiens.(here dogs are allowed.
In some places you may see.
Les chiens ne sont pas admis dans la salle à manger.(dogs are not allowed in the dining room).
Merci de bien vouloir laisser votre chien au chenil pendant les repas.(thank you for leaving your dog in the kennel during meals.
Vocabulary builder
Une pièce de monnaie- a coin
Un billet de banque- bank note
De l'argent - money
Argent is also use for silver
L'heure (the time)
There is a general tendency to use the 24 hours clock in France . It is used for les haorahor (transport Time), les programmes de télévision (télévision programme),les horaires de travail (working hours),les emplois du temps temps scolaire (school time table,etc. Most people use a mixture of more traditional way of telling the time and of the 24-hour clock.
Time expression
4:00 Il est quatre heures/ il est seize heure
4:15 il est quatre heures et quart/il est seize heures quinze.
4:30 il est quatre heures et demi/ il est seize heures trente.
4:45 il est cinq heures moins le quart/il est seize heures quarante-cinq
12:00 il est midi/ il est minuit
Extensive Vocabulary
À condition que- provided that
À moins que- unless
À supposer que- assuming
Afin que- so that
Avant que- before that
Bien que- although
De crainte que- for fear that
De faisons que- in order that, such a way that
De manière que- so that
De peur que- for fear that
En attendant que - while, until
Encore que- even though
Pour que- so that
Quoi que- whatever, no matter that
Sans que- without
Ainsi que- just as, so as
Alors que- while ,where wh
Aussitôt que- as soon as
Car- because
Extensive Vocabulary
À condition que- provided that
À moins que- unless
À supposer que- assuming
Afin que- so that
Avant que- before that
Bien que- although
De crainte que- for fear that
De faisons que- in order that, such a way that
De manière que- so that
De peur que- for fear that
En attendant que - while, until
Encore que- even though
Pour que- so that
Quoi que- whatever, no matter that
Sans que- without
Ainsi que- just as, so as
Alors que- while ,where wh
Aussitôt que- as soon as
Car- because
It is very helpful.. thanks alot