Learn All French adverbs in-depth
French adverbs- forms of adverb, utilisation of adverb,types of adverb, how adverb work.
Forms of adverb:-
Adverbs can take several different girls in french. Although these adverbs always take ending with
-ment are formed from adjectives and follow certain rules.
Adverbs made from adjectives:-
Almost all adverbs ending in -ment are formed from the feminine form of adjective to which the ending -ment is added.
For example:-
Doux--douce--- doucement
Naïf--naïve--- naïvement
Sec-- sèche---- sèchement
Long-- longue--- longuement
Lent-- lente----lentement
Naturel--- naturelle---naturellement
Some adverbs ending in -ment, however ,are based on the masculine form of the adjective, to which the ending -ment is added. These adverbs are formed from masculine adjectives which end in a vowel
For instance:-
Poli- poliment
Joli-- joliment
Carré- carrément
Absolu- absolument
Adjectives ending in - ant and - ENT
Form adverb in -amment and -emment.
Évident- évidement
Prudent- prudemment
Violent- violement
Courant- couramment
Constant- constamment
Lent-- lentement
Présent- présentement
Certains following adverbs are nearly irregular:-
Bref- brièvement
Gentil- gentiment
Précis- précisément
Énorme- énormément
Intense- intensément
Profond- profondément
Commun- communément
Aveugle- aveuglément
Adverbs forms in other ways:-
Other sorts of adverbs are not formed according to strict rules and in fact come in many different forms. Some have no corresponding adjective.
Beaucoup, souvent, très,peu,ici, là, maintenant,déjà, bientôt etcetera.
Remember that:-
Some adjectives can also be used as adverbs. In such cases it is always the masculine singular form of the adjective which is used . The most common of these adverbs are based,bon,Cher,court,fur,faux,fort,Haut-,juste, mauvais and net.
Il parle fort.
Elle chante faux.
Ça coûte très cher.
Formation of comparative of adverb:-
Bref- brièvement
Gentil- gentiment
Précis- précisément
Énorme- énormément
Intense- intensément
Profond- profondément
Commun- communément
Aveugle- aveuglément
Adverbs forms in other ways:-
Other sorts of adverbs are not formed according to strict rules and in fact come in many different forms. Some have no corresponding adjective.
Beaucoup, souvent, très,peu,ici, là, maintenant,déjà, bientôt etcetera.
Remember that:-
Some adjectives can also be used as adverbs. In such cases it is always the masculine singular form of the adjective which is used . The most common of these adverbs are based,bon,Cher,court,fur,faux,fort,Haut-,juste, mauvais and net.
Il parle fort.
Elle chante faux.
Ça coûte très cher.
Formation of comparative of adverb:-
The comparatives of adverbs are formed in exactly the same way as those of adjectives
Moins + adverb + Que
Il pleut moins fort que tout à l'heure.
Tu devrais travailler plus souvent.
Elle parle l'italien.
Remember that:-
The comparative of the adverb bien is mieux (better).
Elle chante mieux que lui.
The comparative of the adverb peu is moins.
Tu manges moins que moi.
The comparative of the adverb beaucoup is plus.
Je mange plus que toi.
Moins + adverb + Que
Il pleut moins fort que tout à l'heure.
Tu devrais travailler plus souvent.
Elle parle l'italien.
Remember that:-
The comparative of the adverb bien is mieux (better).
Elle chante mieux que lui.
The comparative of the adverb peu is moins.
Tu manges moins que moi.
The comparative of the adverb beaucoup is plus.
Je mange plus que toi.
Forming the superlative of adverbs.
The superlative of adverbs is the same as the comparative,but is always preceded by the definite article le.
Keep in mind, like all adverbs the superlative never changes its form.
C'est elle qui chante le mieux.
Ce sont eux qui travaillent le plus dur.
Utilisation of adverbs:-
Adverbs can be used to provide extra information regarding
a verb:-
Elle dort profondément.
Il marche beaucoup.
An adjective:-
Il me paraît très grand.
La journée promet d'être très belle.
C'est absolument exact.
Another adverbs:-
Il prend trop souvent la parole.
Elle va très bien.
Elle roule trop vite.
--a whole sentence:-
Franchement,tu exagère.
Malheureusement,il pleut encore.
Justement, j'allais vous appeler.
Évidemment,on pourrait mieux faire.
An important groupe of adverbs used in this way are pourtant, cependant, toutefois, and néanmoins, all of which mean however or none the less:-
Pourtant, ce n'est pas vrai.
J'ai cependant décidé de le faire.
Sorts of adverb:-
Adverbs of manner provide information on how something is done .many end in --ent, but this group also includes other adverbs such as bien(well),mal(badly), bite(quickly) etc:-
- Ils ont poliment refusé l'invitation.
- Il faut en finir rapidement.
- Parle plus lentement.
- Le chauffage marche mal.
Adverbs of quantity, frequency or intensity provide information on the extent to which something is done (i.e. a lot, a little, enough etc.) The most common are assez, fort, très,peu, moins,plus trop,souv sou,à peine and beaucoup :-
Je l'aime beaucoup.
Est-ce qu'il en reste assez ?
Son cœur battait fort.
Peu and un peu do not mean the same thing at all:-
Ce genre de film m'intéresse peu.(this kind of film interests me a little.)
Ce genre de film m'intéresse un peu.(this kind of film interests me a little.
Indeed, when used with adjectives, peu has the effect of making the adjective negative, or of turning it into its opposite:-
J'ai trouvé ce film peu intéressant.
(I found this film uninterested).
Cela me paraît peu probable.(i I find that unlikely).
L'eau était peu profonde.( The water was swallow.
Comparative adverbs are used when two or more actions of the same kind are compared. The most common are mieux (better), plus(more), moins(less), autant (as much) , and aussi (as). Than or as is expressed by que:-
Il travaille plus que moi.
Je les apprécie autant l'un que l'autre.
Adverbs of time provide information on when something is done. The most common are hier(Yesterday), aujourd'hui (today), demain (tomorrow), alors(then), ending(finally), après (afterwards), soudain (suddenly), maintenant(now), désormais (from now on), jamais(never), parfois (sometimes),souvent(often), toujours (Always,still) and encore(still,yet).
Adverbs like d'accord,ensuite and puis show séquence.
Je reviendrai demain.
Elle est toujours à l'heure
Le voilà enfin.
Adverbs of place provide information on where something is done . The most common are ici (here),là(there), là bas(over there), autour (around), ailleurs (elsewhere), dedans (inside),dehors(outside), derrière (behind),dessus(on top), devant(on front), dessous ( underneath) and partout (everywhere).
Bien ici( Come here)
C'est là ( it is there).
Je suis allé le chercher ailleurs.
Adverbs of affirmation are used to give a positive answer to a question or request. The most common are you(yes), bien sûr (of course, certainly), certainement( certainly) and volontiers (willingly).
Vous venez avec moi?oui!
Vous voulez encore un café ? Boulon tiers,merci!
Adverbs of negation are used to make the action of the verb negative in some way. The most common are non , ne ....pas, ne....plus, ne..... jamais, ne..... rien, ne....perso pers and ne.....eu une.
Il n'a pas envie de le rencontrer.
Il n'a aucune chance de réussir.
Interrogative adverbs are used in question :
Pourquoi sont-ils déjà partis?
Quand comptes-tu réussir.
Interrogative adverbs are used in question:-
Pourquoi sont-ils déjà partis ?
Quand comptes-tu finir?
How adverbs work:-
Sometimes an adverbs is necessary to complete the meaning of a sentence. In the example below, Il habite and let's ton livre would not make sense on their own:-
Il habite loin.
Mets ton livre là-bas.
Un other cases adverbs provide additional information without which the sentence would still make sense:-
Elle se promène lentement dans la ville.
Je vais vous répondre tout de suit.
Remember that:-
An adverb used with a verb is placed after the verb. However ,an adverb used with an adjective or another adverb is placed in front of it:
Il parle lentement.
Ne va pas trop vite
Il est tret intelligent.
The adverb tout(very) is rather different from other adverbs. When it is followed by a feminine adjective beginning with a vowel or a mute h, it's form does not change:-
Elle paraissait tout étonneé.
Leur petite fille était tout heureuse de les revoir.
However, when it is followed by a féminine adjective beginning with a consonant, it agrees with it in both gender and number.
Elle est toute contente aujourd'hui.
Elles semblent toutes tristes.
Adverbial phrases:-
Thèse verbs are consist of more than one word:-
Revenez tout à l'heure.
Je reviens tout de suite.
Il est parti d'un air décidé.
Elle la regardait avec envie.
Adverbial clauses:-
These are introduced by a conjunction other than que.
Bien ici( Come here)
C'est là ( it is there).
Je suis allé le chercher ailleurs.
Adverbs of affirmation are used to give a positive answer to a question or request. The most common are you(yes), bien sûr (of course, certainly), certainement( certainly) and volontiers (willingly).
Vous venez avec moi?oui!
Vous voulez encore un café ? Boulon tiers,merci!
Adverbs of negation are used to make the action of the verb negative in some way. The most common are non , ne ....pas, ne....plus, ne..... jamais, ne..... rien, ne....perso pers and ne.....eu une.
Il n'a pas envie de le rencontrer.
Il n'a aucune chance de réussir.
Interrogative adverbs are used in question :
Pourquoi sont-ils déjà partis?
Quand comptes-tu réussir.
Interrogative adverbs are used in question:-
Pourquoi sont-ils déjà partis ?
Quand comptes-tu finir?
How adverbs work:-
Sometimes an adverbs is necessary to complete the meaning of a sentence. In the example below, Il habite and let's ton livre would not make sense on their own:-
Il habite loin.
Mets ton livre là-bas.
Un other cases adverbs provide additional information without which the sentence would still make sense:-
Elle se promène lentement dans la ville.
Je vais vous répondre tout de suit.
Remember that:-
An adverb used with a verb is placed after the verb. However ,an adverb used with an adjective or another adverb is placed in front of it:
Il parle lentement.
Ne va pas trop vite
Il est tret intelligent.
The adverb tout(very) is rather different from other adverbs. When it is followed by a feminine adjective beginning with a vowel or a mute h, it's form does not change:-
Elle paraissait tout étonneé.
Leur petite fille était tout heureuse de les revoir.
However, when it is followed by a féminine adjective beginning with a consonant, it agrees with it in both gender and number.
Elle est toute contente aujourd'hui.
Elles semblent toutes tristes.
Adverbial phrases:-
Thèse verbs are consist of more than one word:-
Revenez tout à l'heure.
Je reviens tout de suite.
Il est parti d'un air décidé.
Elle la regardait avec envie.
Adverbial clauses:-
These are introduced by a conjunction other than que.
- Uses of adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses:-
- Like adverbs, adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses can be used to provide additional information in relation to a verb:-
- Il marche péniblement.(adverb)
- Il marche avec beaucoup de peine.(adverbial phrase)
- Elle se lève tôt.(adverb)
- Elle se lève de bonne matin.(adverbial phrase)
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