Basic french vocabulary
French etiquette
When meeting someone in France for the first time if you formally introduced, the standard response is to shake hands and say enchantée ( nice to meet you. Within a family members or close circle of friends people are likely three kisses on cheeks even if they have not met before. For older generation there may still be a more formal "bonjour monsieur/ bonjour madame enchanté. Note the term Mademoiselle ( miss) is hardly ever used, except for very you women.
Within a family circle people are likely to use tu ( you-informal)When speaking to or on another. When people meet for first time, they use vous( you formal) and after a few chats might say on se totuie? Older generations more liklli to to use formal vous and might find it difficult to be less formal. An adult can say tu to a child but it is not polite for a child to say hi to adult unless invited to do so.
Keep in mind
In french family names do not have as s in plural form.
Les thompson( the thompsons)
Les norberN( thé norberts)
Extra vocabularie....
Un homme- a Man
Une femme- a woman
Comment vous appliquez- vous- what is your name
Je m'appelle- my name is ( I call my self)
Vous êtes d'ou- where are you from
Je suis - I am
Voici - this is
La sœur - the sister
Le frere- the brother
Moi - me
Ma sœur- my sister
Mon frère- my brother
Toi - you ( informal)
Avec- with
À la maison- at home
Les enfants- the Children
Couramment- fluently
Mon mari - my husband
Le professeur- the teacher
Keep in mind
The word for my( know as possessive adjective)changes according to the gender of the thing is a person.
As a result there are three ways of saying my( Mon ,ma,and mes )
Le père+la mère= les parents
Mon père+ma mère= mes parents
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