About us

Dear visiter, this french blogger is made for all of french lovers and enthousiasts , who have a burning desire of learning french.
This blog specially deals with:(1)french for travelers,(2). french for business (3). Preparation for DELFA1&A2&B1 examination.(4) preparation for TEF & TCF for immigration to Canada. this blog is extremely useful for everyone.
This blog deals with basic Grammer to intermediate level.
One more thing- if you are planning to learn French and find an institute for learning french don't waste you money on basic courses. I guarantee you , if you follow me on my blogger. You will be able to make good sentences in french, then you can join classes directly. I assure you this blog will help you to achieve you goals which you have made after learning french. These articles are written after deep research of several books which have been written by native language experts. Follow this blog and get extraordinary knowledge of French language.


  1. Hiii ! I have found your blog very helpful, but is it necessary to join a class for French, Can't we prepare for DELF exams by self study???


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