Learn French Vocabulary at metro station (take metro)and voice and voilà

France's metro stations(excellent vocabulary) and voici and voilà.

Paris is the beautiful town of France where are plenty of sightseeing places. The metro helps to visiters for explore themselves around the town.
Le prix d'un ticket de métro (for the cost of a metro ticket) ou  le prix de location d'un Vélo'(vélo libre) ( cost of hiring a Vélib' part of the bicycle share system in Paris).
One of the most historically symbolic sights in Paris is the axis from la grande Arche de la défense , completed in 1989 as president Mitterran's legacy to Paris . From the top , par temps clair (on a clear day) la vue sur Paris et l'île de France est spectaculaire (thé view over Paris and l'ile de France is spectacular) in it self, but also because of its location which lines it up with l'avenue de la grande armée (népoleon's army), l'arc de triomphe (planned by népoleon in 1806), Les Champs-Elysées et l'obélisque de louxor sur la place de la concoCon, site officiel the guillotine during la révolution.
Le bus et le métro are running by RATP(réseau autonome des transports parisiens) and le RER(réseau express régional).

  French Vocabulary enhancer

Bouger - to move
Au fait - by the way
En fait - Indeed, in fact
Être bête- dont be silly
Se débrouiller- to manage
S'inquiéter- to worry
Prévenir- to inform/ to warn
Your Tout de memê- all the same
Demi-tarif--- half faire
Un carnet de ticket- a Book of tickets (10)
Une station de métro- a tube station
Une gare RER/ une gare SNCF- an RER or snfc station.
Un changement- connection (on metro or railway line)

       ( Voilà, voici And il y a)

Voici ,voilà and il y a are frequently used in every day speaking.Therefore it it must to get knowledge of these words.
The meaning of voici is (here is) or (here are) , while voilà is used as ( there is) (there are).

Let's see some sentences:-

  • Voici le garçon- here is the boy.
  • Voilà le garçon- there is the boy.
  • Voici les garçons- here are the boys
  • Voilà les garçons- there are the boys

Sometimes the meaning of voice is (here it is) or (here they are). Even voilà is meaning (there it is) or (there they are).

  • Où est la table-where is the table
  • La voici-   here it is

Note that:- before the voici (la) is used, because the table is feminine.

  • La voilà- there it is
  • Où sont les garçons - where are the boys.
  • Les voici- here they are
  • Les voilà- there they are

Voici IS used when something or someone is close to you and voilà is used when something is a bit further away. Voilà is used to present a specific object or person.

Voici mon ami- here is my friend.
Voilà mon mari- there is my husband.

                      (Il y a)
            There is, there are

Il is really important expression in French language. It's perticular translation is there is and there are.
There is huge difference between voilà and il y a.

Il y a + noun usually indicates the existence of a person or a thing in the context of a perticular setting. So it simply states the existence of the object we are talking about.

A Amritsar, Il y a  une grande bibliothèque.
There is a big library.

On the other hand, voilà is used to indicate the sudden appearence of something or someone, to introduce people or ideas. Voilà is used as if we are pointing to the object (s) we are talking about.

Regardez, voilà, Geeta and monseaur panday .

More interesting, Il y a Can be used as a singular as well as plural. This expression can be used to make different sentences.

  • Il y a une table dans la chambre.
  • There is table in the room.

  • Il y a un taxi devant la maison.
  • There is a taxi in front of the house.

  • Il y a des livres ici.
  • There are books here .

  • Qu'est ce qu'il y a ?
  • What is there.

  • Est-ce qu'il y a un restaurant ?
  • Is there a restaurant?

  • Il y a des gens.
  • There are people.

  • Il y a quelqu'un à la porte.
  • There is someone at the door.

Il y a is used when we don't streets on there. Is gives the answer of given question. Is there ? Are there ?
Y a-t-il.

To ask a question with il y a, you can use either use est-ce que il y a or on version, e.g.
Est-ce qu'il y a une clé ?
Is there a key.

For inversion, place  y first,then invert ok and a and place to between them.

Y a-t-il des chambres au premier étage
Are there any room on the first floor?

Il y a may be followed by a period of time to mean( ago), e.g.
J'ai vu le film il y a trois mois.
I saw the movie three months ago.

In order to use il y a in a Negative construction, place n' on front of y and pas after a. Change the indefinite article i.e. un/une touche de, e.g.

Il n'y a pas de portable dans mon sac.
There is not a mobile in my bag.

Il y a can also be used in another tense.
Il y avait une femme.
There was a lady.

Il y aura des invités.
There will be some guests.

(                (Keep in mind)

When you use jouer to talk about sports and games you use (à).

When you are using, jouer to talk about musical instruments, you use (de).

Jouer à tennis ( to play tennis.
Jouer aux échecs- to play chess

Jouer de la guitare- to play guitar
Jouer du piano- to play the piano.


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