Learn French vocabulary on the road ( sur la route)
On the road (sur la route) talk about french roads and driving in France.
Roulez à droit! Or conduisez à droite !
(Drive on the right!), Serrez à droit (keep on the right)!), These are the imperative reminders that British motorists can not avoid noticing as they drive into France . N'oubliez pas de roulez à droite ! (Don't forget to drive on the right).
You must also be aware of priorité à droite (priority to the right).
Cars have to let vehicles coming from
The right go first. this doesn't apply on une route prioritaire (a main road).
However in small towns , streets intersections often have priorité à droit. You may notice signs saying vous n'avez pas la priorité ( you don't have priority). Many accidents de la route ( road accident) are due to this particular rule being ignored .
L'éthylotest (the breathaliser ) est obligatoire (is compulsory) depuis le 1er juillet 2012. Drivers must have breathalising equipment in their cars at all times . Depuis must have breathalising equipment in their cars at all times. Depuis 1er November , failure to show a breathaliser can result in une amende (a fine) de 11€.
Vocabulary enhancer
Parts of a car in French
- Le coffre( partie d'une voiture ou l'on met les bagages) - part of car where people put the bagages.
- La Roue avant- front wheel
- Le parechoc - bumper
- Le pare-brise--- wind shield
- L'embrayage- clutch
- Le tableau de bord- dash board
- La portière- door
- Le moteur- engine
- Le tapis de sol - floor mat
- Le feu avant- front light
- Le récevoir- gas tank
- Le frein à main- hand break
- Le klaxon- horn
- Le plaque d'immatriculation- licence plate
- Le voiture de course- race car
- Le feu arrière- rear light
- Le rétroviseur- rearview mirror
- La ceinture de sécurité- Seat belt
- Le volant- steering wheel
- L'essuie-glace- wind shield wiper
- Le créneau- overtaking lane
- Le frein moteur- motor brake
- L'essence- petrol
- L'essence super- leaded 4 star
- GPL(gas de petropé liquéfié- liquid petroleum gas
- Gazol - diesel
- Clignotant- indicator
- Faire marche arrière- to reverse
- Péage- toll
- petite Aire de repos - lay-by
- Carrefour- junction
- Garrer/stationner-to park
- Doubler/dépasser- to overtake
- Limite de vitesse- speed limit
- Bouchon/embouteillage- traffic jam
- Feu- traffic light
- Panneau de signalisation- road sign
- Ralentissez- slow down
- Cedez de passage- give way
- Sens-unique- one way
- Sens interdit- no entry
- Passage piéton- pedestrain crossing
- Déviation- diversion
- Impass- dead end
- Redar de vitesse-speed camera
Some use full french expressions
- Ma voiture est en panne-my car has been broken down.
- J'ai un pnea crevé/à plat-- I have a flat Tyre.
- Le moteur surchauffe- the engine is over heating
- Le batterie est vide- thé battery is flat
- I'll y a un problème de frein- there is a problem with the brakes.
Some french expressions you must know in France about driving
Il faut/ il faut queThe verb falloir ( to be necessary) is only ever used in an impersonal form with subject pronoun Il faut . People most often use il faut + verb in infinitive.
- Il faut conduire à droite- you must Drive on right
- Il faut se reposer souvent quand on conduit sur de grandes distances.- you must reste often when you driving kind distance.
- Ok faut manger pour vivre et non pas vivre pour manger- one Should est toujours live , and not live to eat.
- Faut pas faire ça- must not do that
2. NE.....PlUS/ NE .......PAS/ NE....QUE
Use these expressions for forming negative sentence . Use ne in front of a consonant and n' in front of a vowel.- Il n'y a plus / il ne reste plus d'essence
- - there is no petrol left.
- Il n'y a presque plus d'essence- there is hardly any petrol.
- Il n'y a pas de station service sur cette route- there is no service station.
- Il n'y a pas assez d'huil- there is no enough oil.
- Il n'y a que de l'essence super- there is only high grade petrol.
- Il ne reste qu'un billet de vingt euros- there is only a 20€ note left.
Some more french expressions
- On devrait vérifier la pression des pneus- WE ought to check the Tyre pressure.
- La vitesse limite est 50km à l'heure.- the speed limit is 50km/h.
- On fait le plein- shall we fill up?
- Ralentis un peu- slow down a bit.
- Il y a une déviation- there is diversion.
- Il va falloir s'arreter- WE will have to stop.
- La route est barrée à 500 mètres- the road is closed in 500 meter.
- Tu a vu le panneau- did you see the road sign?
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