Learn French Vocabulary at the community centre(à la maison du people)

At the community centre, understand a little about multi ethics france.
understand a bit about racism.

France has a strong tradition of structure d'animation ( coordination of cultural and sporting activities). All french towns have places such as centres socioculturels (social centres) , maison des jeunes (youth club) and maison de quartier ( local district clubs).

As well as these places for young people to go , many towns have animateur socioculturel who provide Leisure ,social and cultural activities, clearly distinct from the school system. Their role is vital in local communities l'un des buts (one of the objectives) includes combattre le racisme (talking racism) in a constructive) way.

These days language learning is must 

  ( French Vocabulary enhancer)

  1. Un animateur/une animatrice- someone organising activities, youth worker
  2. Encadrer - to provide a framework for activities.
  3. Des jeunes maghrébines - young people with north African origins
  4. Le quartier- the district/the area
  5. Ouvert et tolérant- open and tolérant
  6. Une enquête- an investigation
  7. Étranger/étrangère- foreign
  8. Des propos- remarks, utterance
  9. Des comportements- attitudes
  10. Accueil- welcome
  11. Tout à fait justifié- fully justified
  12. Assez justifié- fairly justified
  13. Peu justifié- little justified
  14. Pas du tout justifié- not at all justified
  15. NE se pas prononcent- no opinion

The useful french phrases:

  1. D'ailleurs que- Besides that
  2. J'ai tout essayé- i have tried all
  3. Épanouissement- blossoming
  4. Croque-monsieur- toasted ham
  5. Aller chercher quelque chose- to go and get something
  6. Laisser tomber quelque chose- to drop something

7.Vouloir dire quelque chose- to mean something

It is matter of consideration that some particular verbs are followed by
(à+ infinitive) as well some particular verbs and adjectives  are also followed by DE, which are I am going to discuss below the paragraph.

Verbs followed by à+infinitive
S'amuser à faire quelque chose- to have fun doing something
Apprendre à faire quelque chose- to learn to do something
Commencer à faire quelque chose- to begin to do something
Continuer à faire quelque chose- to go on doing something
S'habituer à faire quelque chose- to get used to going something.

Some verbs followed by DE+infinitive

Arrêter de faire quelque chose
To stop doing something
Décider de faire quelque chose to decide to do something
Se dépêcher de faire quelque chose- to hurry to do something
Essayer de faire quelque chose- to try to do something
S'excuser d'avoir fait quelque chose- to apologise for doing something
Oblier de faire quelque chose- to forget to do something
Proposer de faire quelque chose- to suggest doing something
Refuser de faire quelque chose- to refuse to do something
Suggérer de faire quelque chose- to suggest doing something

Some adjectives that can be followed
by DE are used to say how you feel , that you are certain about something , or that it is necessary or important to do something. These are the most common

Certain de
Content de
Désolé de
Enchanté de
Heureux de
Important de
Malheureux de
Nécessaire de
Sûr de
Triste de

E.g.= tu es sûr de pouvoir venir ?
Enchanté de faire votre connaissance
Il est nécessaire de réserver.


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