In depth knowledge of determiners adjectives (possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, interrogative adjectives, indefinite adjectives,
French determiner adjectives which are most confusable.
Types of the indefinite adjectives.
There are many different kinds of indefinite adjective. Like all other adjectives in French, they agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. Sometimes this type of adjective is called a determiner or quantifier.
- Uses of indefinite adjectives are not preceded by a partitive article in the plural
- Here are some indefinite adjectives consisting of one word which are used to identify people or things.:
Quelque (mfpl quelques)
In the singular, quelque means some, other. It is only used in the singular in rather formal french.
Ik a été retardé par quelque problème grave.( he has been held up by some serious problem.
I. The plural it means a certain number of, a small number of and translates into English as some.
Il a quelques prépositions à te faire.(he has some suggestions to make you.
Plusieurs has the same from both masculine and feminine. It is only use in plural, and means several:-
- Plusieurs personnes sont venues ce soir.
- Il a fait plusieurs essais de réussir.
Chaque :-
Chaque is always used in singular form, and has the same form for both masculine and feminine. It means each or every.:
- Il faut se lever les mains avant chaque repas.
- Chaque fois que je sors, il pleut.
Tout:- (fem. Toute, fpl toutes)
When used without an article in the singular, tout means any or every. This usage is rather formal.
Pour tout achat supérieur à cent francs, il vous sera offert un livre.
Tout personne désirant un renseignement peut se rendre au bureau information.
When it is used by a determiner, tout means all.
- Il a perdu tout son argent.
- Il a réussi tous ses enfants autour de lui.
When tout is used in the plural before a definite article, however, the best translation into English is often every , and the noun sounds more plural in singular.
Il sort tous les jours à la même heure.( Même)
Quelconque does not change its form for the feminine, and is usually used in the singular. When placed before the noun , quelconque means any... At all any. ... Whatsoever. When placed after the noun, it means some ... Or other. In both cases it is preceded by the indefinite article.
Appuyez sur une quelconque touche pour commencer.(press any key to start.)
Il a dû pour une raison quelconque.(he had to go out for some reason or other).
-tel:- (f telle, mol tels, fpl telles)
Tel in the singular means such and such a.
Il aurait dû lui donner rendez vous tel jour a telle heure.
Il est impossible d'utiliser telle méthode ou telle autre.
When used with the indefinite article , tel means such a:
Je ne travaille jamais avec tel homme.
Un this sense tel can be used in plural. In such cases it is preceded by the indefinite article de:-
Il est prudent d'éviter de telles personnes.
-même:- (mêmes)
When it comes between the detrminer and the noun, meme means same;
On restera dans les mêmes Lavaux.
C'est le memê type de travail qu'il faut réaliser.
Autre means other , and is placed between the indefinite article and the noun.
Je prendrai bien un autre verre.
Vous feriez mieux de revenir un autre jour.
Note that:- in plural it is preseded by the indefinite article.
En d'autres mots- in the other words.
J'en ai vu d'autres ailleurs.
Here are some indefinite adjectives consisting of more than one word which are also used to identify people or things.
- N'importe quel( f n'importe quelle,mpl n'importe quels, fpl n'importe quelles)
N'importe quel means any .... At all,any... Whatsoever, and number with the noun in question:
Prenez n'importe quels locaux lui conviendraient.
There are two indefinate adjectives which express the idea of none or not... any.
Aucune (f aucune)
Aucune idée Always used in the singular, even when the English translation is sometimes in the plural. NE is always placed before the verb in a sentence containing aucune:
Il n'a pu prendre aucune décision.(any decisions)
- Aucune décision n'a été prise.(no decision)
- Tu n'as plus aucun droit.(nous right
Nul appears only in singular , and is only used in formal french .
NE is always placed before the verb in the sentence.
Il n'avait nulle envie d'y aller.
(Keep in mind)
The adjectives certain, différent and divers Can also function as indefinite adjectives. When used in this way , they are not preceded by an indefinite article in the plural:
Certain (f certain, mpl certains , fpl certains)
- When certain is used on its own before the noun or together with the indefinite article un, it behaves like an indefinite adjective.when used with in in singular, it means the same as certain in English. In the plural its meaning is usually some.
- Il y avait un certain nombre de personnes.
- Certains enfants marchent dès l'âge d'un an .
Différentes is always used in the plural When it is an indefinite adjective, and means various.
- Différentes personnes me l'ont demandé.
- Il y a différentes façons de vivre.
Divers (fpl diverses)
Divers is always used in the plural and also means various:
- Divers moyens ont été employés.
- Divers raisons l'ont pousse à partir
(Démonstrative adjectives)
This and that are the English demonstrative adjectives in a singular form, and these and those are plural form.these demonstrative adjectives are used to point out or to single out one object or several objects from all others of it's sort.
Types of demonstrative adjectives.
Singular . Plural
Masuline. Ce . Ces
Féminine. Cette . Ces
Ce village,. Cette table , ces livres, ces bananes.
When these are used before masculine noun which starts with a vowel or a lite h , the( t) is combined at the end of the word.
Cet enfant, cet homme
Utilisation of demonstrative adjectives.
The all given demonstrative adjectives mean this , although they also mean that, according to how and when they are used and on any gesture which accompany them. Like in English they are used to:-
Ce livre est à moi.
Je voudrais ce gâteau s'il vous plaît.
Combien coûte ce fauteuil.
Sinmake a one person or thing which have already been demonstrated.
Tu connais leur fille? Cette petite est adorable.
Introduce a topic you are going to give extra information about:-
Elle m'a donné cette adresse , 24rue de Rivoli , 75001 paris.
When it is crucial to distinguish between the notion of this and that , longer form of demonstrative adjectives can be used in French.
- ce.....- ci, cet.......- ci, cette.....-ce , are utilised , and therefore the equivalent of this or these:
Je préfère ce gateaux-ci.
Ce.... -la , cet...-là, cette....-là, ces...-là.
Are added for objects which are further away in time or space, and are thus the equivalent of that or those.
Cette montagne- là , est le mont blanc.
En ce moment là, on voyageait à cheval.
Répétition of demonstrative adjectives.
The demonstrative adjectives is repeated before each noun.
Ce n'est pas ce livre là qu'il me faut, passe-moi cet autre la bas.
(Démonstrative adjectives)
This and that are the English demonstrative adjectives in a singular form, and these and those are plural form.these demonstrative adjectives are used to point out or to single out one object or several objects from all others of it's sort.
Types of demonstrative adjectives.
Singular . Plural
Masuline. Ce . Ces
Féminine. Cette . Ces
Ce village,. Cette table , ces livres, ces bananes.
When these are used before masculine noun which starts with a vowel or a lite h , the( t) is combined at the end of the word.
Cet enfant, cet homme
Utilisation of demonstrative adjectives.
The all given demonstrative adjectives mean this , although they also mean that, according to how and when they are used and on any gesture which accompany them. Like in English they are used to:-
Ce livre est à moi.
Je voudrais ce gâteau s'il vous plaît.
Combien coûte ce fauteuil.
Sinmake a one person or thing which have already been demonstrated.
Tu connais leur fille? Cette petite est adorable.
Introduce a topic you are going to give extra information about:-
Elle m'a donné cette adresse , 24rue de Rivoli , 75001 paris.
When it is crucial to distinguish between the notion of this and that , longer form of demonstrative adjectives can be used in French.
- ce.....- ci, cet.......- ci, cette.....-ce , are utilised , and therefore the equivalent of this or these:
Je préfère ce gateaux-ci.
Ce.... -la , cet...-là, cette....-là, ces...-là.
Are added for objects which are further away in time or space, and are thus the equivalent of that or those.
Cette montagne- là , est le mont blanc.
En ce moment là, on voyageait à cheval.
Répétition of demonstrative adjectives.
The demonstrative adjectives is repeated before each noun.
- Ces messieurs et ces dames.
- These geltlemen and ladies.
- Ce garçon et cette fille.
- This boy and girl.
(Keep in mind)
The difference between ce.... ci and ce.... là is not usually absolutely clear , and ce..... là is often used to refer to things which are actually quite close. In such cases, things which are further away are refered to using ce.. là-bas (that on over there).Ce n'est pas ce livre là qu'il me faut, passe-moi cet autre la bas.
( Interrogative adjectives)
These adjectives are used is questions when we want an object or group of objects to be identified more clearly. The equivalent terms in English are which or what, for example which person ? What car?.
Kinds of the interrogative adjectives.
Singular. Plural
Masculin. Quel . Quels
Feminine . Quelle. Quelles
As all adjectives in French , interrogative adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they relate to.
Quel film as-tu vu ?
Quelle heure est-il?
Uses of the interrogative adjectives:-
The interrogative adjectives used in direct questions are also used in indirect questions.
Je me demande quelle heure il est.
Like in English, french interrogative adjectives can also be used in exclamation to express surprise, d'indignation , admiration and the like.
Remember that the indefinite article is not used in French in such situations
Quel idiot !
Quelle surprise !
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