Learn French Vocabulary at restaurant
Choosing a restaurant (choisir un restaurant). In french
There are numerous type of places in france where you can eat out.
They range from master-chefs' restaurant to modest bistrots. You can choose from la cuisine Française traditionnelle (traditional french cuisine)or la cuisine gastronomique.
Le bistrots may vary in quality, but they are Des endroits sans prétention (unassuming). Le menu du jour (the day's menu) est écrit sur l'ardoise (is written on the board). Les meilleurs (the best) bistrots sont juges(are judged)sur l'ardoise et l'ambiance ( the atmosphere.
French Vocabulary enhancer
- Les repas - the meal
- Le petit déjeuner- breakfast
- Le déjeuner- lunch
- Le goûter- afternoon tea
- Le dîner- the dinner
- Le souper- supper
Some expression which are used at rastaurest.
- Le manu- the menu
- Prenez votre temps- take your time!
- A la carte ou menu à prix fixe- individual courses or fixed prise
- Une entrée/un hors d'oeuvre- a starter
- Un plat principal- a main course
- De la viande- meat
- Du poisson- fish
- Du fromage- cheese
- Le service est compris- service is included
- Une bière- A beer
- Un panaché- a shandy
- Le pourboire- the tip
- Être au régime- to be on a diet
- Cette fois ci- this time
- Tout de suite- right now
- Apporter - to bring
Some useful french expression
- Avoir envie de- to have a craving for/ to feel like
- Quelque chose- something
- Un verre de vin- a Glass of wine
- Pleuvoir - to rain
- C'est-à-dire- that is to say/that means
- Souvent- often
- Surtout- above all
- Lorsque/quand- when
- Partout- everywhere
- Faire preuve de - to demonstrate/ to show
- S'agir de- to be a matter of
- La meilleure cuisine- the best cooking
- Bonne nourriture- good food
- Bon repas- good meal
- Goûter- to taste
- Assez léger- fairly light
- Leur lieu de travail- their place of work
The adjectives AMUSANT ( amusing/funny) FATIGANT (tiring)
Amuser means to amuse /to entertain and the reflexive verb s'amuser means
means to enjoy yourself
Les enfants s'amusent sur la plage. The children. Are enjoying themselves on the beach.
By adding the ending -- ant in french , we add equivalent to -ing in engliEn . This creates the adjective form of the verb.
C'est un homme vraiment amusant . He is really funny man.
The same goes to for the verb fatiguer(to tire). When we add --ant , it becomes an adjective.
Marcher tout la journée , c'est très fatiguant. Walking all day is very tiring.
Learn about Trover/retrouver
The prefix -re at the beginning of a verb indicates that the action is being done again , for example , faire(to do)
And refaire(to do again ). Se trouver is like a reflexive verb , but there it involves two people ; the action reciprocal . For example in conversation 1, Sarah is going to find Dominique again and Dominique is going to find Sara
On se trouve dans une heure ? Let's meet again in an hour's time.
S'embrasser- to kiss one another.
This is another example of a reciprocal.
Les amants se'embrassent.
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