French excellent parking vocabulary
French vocabulary about parking
You can buy carte prepay(a prepaid card) for €15 or €40
To use in les parkings intra muros (car parking within the wall) of the town. L'hirodate ( the machine) also lets you use pièces de monnaie (coins) .
Un bon conseil (a good piece of advice): you can garer votre voiture (Park your car) outside the town and use la navette-bus(the park and ride system) to visit St malo. You have to pay for me stationnement (parking), but la navette is free. C'EST gratuit ! It's free.
Everyone de moins de 26 ans
(under the age of 26), from the European community can visit all french national museums gratuitement(for free). If you're 26 or under and a part of the European community, hurry and check these museums out soon!
Vocabulary builder
- Stationnement gratuit- free parking
- Stationnement payant- pays parking
- Stationnement iterdit-parking forbidden
- Stationnement autorité-parking allowed
- In horodateur- the car park machine
- Allumez vos phare- Switch on headlights
- Défense de fumer- no smoking
- Fin d'interdiction- end of prohibition
- Ralentissez- drive slowly
- Travaux- men at work
- Attention- caution
- Entrée interdite- no entry
- Halte- stop
- Serrer à droite- keep right
- Zone de silence- silence zone
Useful french phrases:-
- Stationnement interdit du 25e au 30e décembre.--- parking forbidden from 25th to 30th December.
- Interdiction de kloxonner.-- use of horn forbidden.
- Obligation d'arrêt à l'intersection.-- compulsory stop at intersection.
- Cédez le passage à intersection.-- give way at intersection.
- Chemin obligatoire pour piétons.-- footpath compulsory for pedestrian.
Formal and informal way of asking questions,
Most everyday conversation between people are informal. This is reflected in the way of people ask questions. In all cases the questioning is shown in the tone of voice, which rises on the last syllables.
Interdit- forbidden . Piétons- pedestrians
Entrée- entrance. Carrefour- crossroads
Ouvert- open . Sortie- exit
Fermé- closed . À droit - on the right.
À gauche- on the left. À tout droit- streat.
Interdit- forbidden . Piétons- pedestrians
Entrée- entrance. Carrefour- crossroads
Ouvert- open . Sortie- exit
Fermé- closed . À droit - on the right.
À gauche- on the left. À tout droit- streat.
As-tu la monnaie?
Est-ce que tu as de la monnaie?
Quelle heure est-il ?
Combien faut-il ?
Combien de temps reste-t-on?
Tu as de la monnaie ?
Il est quelle heure ?
Il faut combien ?
On reste combien de temps ?
On is also an impersonal pronoun meaning one, but it is frequently used in conversation instead of nous( de)
Alors use
As soon as you hear french people talking amongst themselves you will hear alors or bon, alors or oui , alors. It loosely means then or so, similar to someone saying well/so then... In English. it is used to fill a gap in the conversation. It also means therefore. It can also be used in small talk as an interjection with many expressive meaning.
Eh bien alors, vous en avez- well, I say, you are lucky
Alors vous comprenez- then you understand
Ça alors- to show astonishment
Alors ça- to show indignation
Et alors- to show defiance
WH words in french like who,how,when etc.
Qui- who
Comment- how
Quand- when
Où - where
Pourquoi- why
Qu'est ce que- what
Combien- how much
QUELLES (question)
There is always more than one way to ask a question. Here are stand questions and answers about personal details.
Name- comment vous appellez-vous?
Quel est votre nom ?
Age- quel age avez-vous ?
Vous avez quel âge?
Conversation between two men....
La voiture- the car
Je ne sais pas- I don't know
Nombre de l'équipage-number of crew
C'est à quel nom - which name
I'esclaire- the stairs case
À gauche- on the left
Allons-y - let's go
On y va?- shall we go?
Oui d'accord- yes ok
Je voudrais- I would like to
Salon - lounge
Ici- here
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