
The Subjonctif (le Subjonctif) learn deeply.

Detailed knowledge of subjunctive. The subjunctive is a verb form that has its own range of past tenses , although the present tense of subjunctive is the most used of all. Of course will only provide you with example of present subjunctive and few examples of the past form with about and être , as you are not likely to meet other forms when you hear spoken french. The subjunctive is usually preceded by a verb +que . However, there are many verbs with que that are not followed  by the subjunctive. So this alone is not a guide to whether or not you should use the subjunctive. Instead,look at the meaning of the sentence. The subjunctive is mainly used to express necessity, possibility, doubt,regrets,wishes or fear. The subjunctive is automatically used after the following expressions: Although this is the normal exercises for you when we will go further we will discuss it in depth so read slowly and deeply. Necessity :- il faut que je rentre à Londres. Possibilit...

Learn French in fun way( if we won the jackpot in France)

Learn FRENCH bank about some palces  and you won jackpot. Le Louvre, un immence musée d'art et d'histoire on la rive droite (night bank) of la Seine used to be la résidence des rois de France (the residence of french king) before Louis xiv's decision to move to Versailles in 1678. It became a museum in 1793. En 1989, une grande pyramide de verre et de métal (a large glass and metal pyramid) was added to it as a large atrium for the underground reception area. Le musée d'Orsay, sur la rive gauche , was l'ancienne gare du paris Orléans (the old-orleans station) jusqu'à (until ) 1939. Depuis (since)1986 it has been in un musée d'art et un centre culturel which houses many works Des impression (of the impressionists).                             Writer(Gaëlle Graham)                    Vocabulary enhancer Être de bonne humeur- to be in a good ...

Learn French Vocabulary about appartement (on cherche un appartement)

Looking for a flat, talking about housing in France. So vous cherchez un logement (Somewhere to live)? Une maison à louer (a house to rent) ou à acheter (or to buy) ou  bien un appartement (a flat ) you can search dans les journaux (in the newspaper) under annonce immobilière (estate property ads) you can also go to une agence immobilière (an estate agency) et prendre rendez-vous avec un agent immobilier (make an appointment with an estate agent). There are three indicates to give you an idea of places to rent or buy. The letters F or T indicate the number of rooms. In T4 has 3 Chambers (3bedrooms) , une salle de bain (a bathroom) , une cuisine (a kitchen ) et un salon ( a living room) .P shows the numbers of pieces (rooms): 2p/3p, excluding la cuisine et la salles bains .  French  Vocabulary enhancer               Getting an apartment Cuisine équipée- furnished kitchen Ascenseur- elevator Chambre personnelle -pers...

Family meal in French ( repas familial)

Talk about french meals and it's vocabulary. French cooking and french meals. La cuisine familiale français (Home cooking) is not much traditional as it  used to be. The domination of world cuisine like la cuisine nord-africaine (North African cooking) with coucous-based dishes is integrated into people eat at home. There is a little try to eat moins de viande ( less meat). For many families, the pattern of an everyday meal remains une entrée (a starter) After thé main course, then le fromage (the cheese) et pour finir, dessert (and to finish, dessert) . Les grands réunions de famille often take place around the table and often last for hour, le grand repas gastronomique , popularly known as la grande bouffe( the big eat), is exemplified in l a grande bouffe , a 1973 french-italian film starring Marcello mastering no. La cuisine de tous les jours ( everyday cooking) although more modest, is still enjoyed: people enjoy se mijoter  (preparing with c...

Learn All French adverbs in-depth

French adverbs- forms of adverb, utilisation of adverb,types of adverb, how adverb work. Forms of adverb:- Adverbs can take several different girls in french. Although these adverbs always take ending with  - ment are formed from adjectives and follow certain rules. Adverbs made from adjectives:- Almost all adverbs ending in -ment are formed from the feminine form of adjective to which the ending -ment is added.  For example:- Doux--douce--- doucement Naïf--naïve--- naïvement Sec-- sèche---- sèchement Long-- longue--- longuement Lent-- lente----lentement Naturel--- naturelle---naturellement Some adverbs ending in - ment, however ,are based on the masculine form of the adjective, to which the ending -ment is added. These adverbs are formed from masculine adjectives which end in a vowel  For instance:-  Poli- poliment Joli-- joliment Vrai-vraiment Carré- carrément Absolu- absolument Adjectives ending  in - ant ...

Learn French Vocabulary regarding les grèves( strikes)

Talking about media of France and strikes in France and relative french voVocabula. France is very famous for his strikes(Des strikes ), the number of worker regarding un syndicat (trade union) is rare. This quote from l'OCDE(organisation de coopération et de développement écon omique) describes that ( avec 7% à 8% de salaires (workest rate ) de syndiqués (unionized) , la France a la plus faible taux( weakest rate) de syndicalisation (unionisation) Des pays de l'OCDE. En 2010, l'Allemagne en comptait 18,6%, le royaume-uni 26%, l'Italie 35% et la Finlande 70%. However Les français have a very strong sense of Justice sociale (sociale justice), especially when livelihood issues are at stake: licenciement (redundancies), retraites( pensions), réformes de l'éducation nationale ( national eduéducat réformes), de la sécurité ou de la justice.             (French Vocabulary builder) Un cri- a shout Crier - to shout Menteur,monteuse- liar Ça suffit- ...

Learn French Vocabulary at shopping centres(dans les grandes surfaces)

Shopping in France and talk about buying clothes, find a bargain. All french towns have out of town shopping centres with a vast range of supermarchés and hypermarchés ( super markets and hypermarket). They are generally referred to as grand surfaces because of the large space they occupy. Most of them are located in large shopping arcades, with a whole range of smaller shops, boutiques of all sorts and restaurants. In addition to the permanent shopping area , they fréquemment (frequently) have seasonal products at competitive prices sous chapiteau (under a large Marquee) : wins in the autumn , chrysanthemums for all saints day on 1 ER November , oysters for Christmas and he new year, bedding and furniture in the spring and camping equipment in the summer. They all compete with one another by having promotions (promotional offers) , soldes (sales) , affaires du jours( the bargans of the day) and offers spéciales ( spécial offers ).         ...